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Our Sunday Services start at 10 a.m.  Click here for the  Zoom link or to use your phone to listen to the Service. The password is Spirit.

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Please donate to St. Luke church. Your support is critical to our efforts! Please go to the St. Luke Donation page. 

Thank you!

February Services, Gatherings, and Information


Saturday, February 15th 10 a.m.   Installation of the Heeding God's Call Tee Shirt Memorial to
                                                      commemorate Montgomery County residents lost to gun
                                                      violence. Volunteers are needed at St. Luke to assist in the
                                                      installation, which should last about an hour. Please let the
                                                    Pastor know if you are available.


Sunday, February 16th, 10 a.m.   Sunday Service      
                                                    Souper Bowl Sunday Luncheon following the service


Tuesday, February 18th, 6 p.m.   Trustees meeting on zoom


Wednesday, February 19th, 4 p.m.  Finance team meeting on zoom


Sunday, February 23rd, 10 a.m.  Sunday Service





Heeding God's Call Memorial

The memorial for those lost to gun violence in Montgomery County has been installed on St. Luke's grassy area.

Thanks to Heeding God's Call, volunteers from St. Luke, and members of nearby churches for their participation in creating the memorial.
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Immigration Rapid Response Team


Pastor Mark is building a coalition of clergy and lay people in UM churches serving Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey to help train vulnerable churches and communities in a time when our immigration laws and policies are changing rapidly. 


The Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference and the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference are resourcing the work of the Immigration Rapid Response Team to protect undocumented people in many of our churches who may be at risk of ICE arrest and deportation.


Please contact Pastor Mark if you would like to join him and the Immigration Rapid Response Team in educating and protecting our immigrant friends and neighbors.


It is our sincere desire that you will experience the very presence of the Living God in the words we speak, the music we sing, the love we share, and the community we form.


Our Sunday morning service is full of joy and connection. We welcome ALL people, nurturing faith in the Living God, and inspiring action for the transformation of the world.


We celebrate the gift of diversity of race, ethnicity, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability. We strive to be a living expression of the love extended through Christ.

The St. Luke Prayer List
Please contact Pastor Mark at (610) 525-2396 if you would like to have someone, a place, or a situation added to our Prayer List. The Pastor will include the list during the Sunday Service.
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568 Montgomery Avenue

(at Pennswood Road) Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

610 525-2396

Sunday Service: 10 a.m.

Bible Study: First and Third Tuesdays, 7 pm on Zoom

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