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A Reconciling Congregation


St. Luke voted on June 28th, 2015 to become a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming all people. We updated our Mission Statement to read:


We are a growing church family welcoming ALL people,

Nurturing faith in the Living God,

And inspiring action for the transformation of the world.

We celebrate the gift of diversity of race, ethnicity, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability;

We strive to be a living expression of the love extended through Christ.


What does it mean to be a Reconciling Congregation in the United Methodist Church?

It means that we have made a commitment to being in loving Christian ministry with all people without prejudice, to truly have “open hearts, open minds, and open doors,” to work toward the time when our congregation, our denomination, and our society live the all-inclusive love that our faith demands. As a sign of that commitment—and a vehicle for helping to achieve it, we have officially affiliated ourselves with the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) and share its guiding principles.




Overcoming Oppression

Reconciling Ministries Network aspires to fulfill our baptismal covenant to resist oppression in whatever form it presents itself in our movement, church, and world. RMN has a commitment to ending institutional racism, sexism, and economic injustice by working at the intersections of oppression and focusing on an ongoing examination of internal processes and external actions at all levels including its selection of issues and organizing strategies.



Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to the stewardship of its organizational resources—the people, time, talent, and treasures—that God provides for transformation of our church and world.



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568 Montgomery Avenue

(at Pennswood Road) Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

610 525-2396

Sunday Service: 10 a.m.

Bible Study: First and Third Tuesdays, 7 pm on Zoom

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