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Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals


At St. Luke United Methodist Church, we recognize baptism as a sacrament that Jesus introduced. It is an outward and visible sign of God's love and a community of care. We baptize infants, children, youth, and adults. 


In baptism, you become a part of the church family – you are never alone.


Please talk to the pastors if you or your family would like to take part in this sacrament.



Marriage is a gift of God to be embraced joyfully. The forming of a marriage covenant, as numerous passages in the Bible testify, is not merely a human agreement but a bond sanctified by God.


Establishing a regular pattern of worship is an important part of marriage. Every family needs a spiritual foundation in order to grow in love.


St. Luke will provide a series of counseling and planning sessions prior to your wedding.



St. Luke  would like to help and comfort you during your time of loss.  Please do not hesitate to call the pastor immediately if you are in need of our support. Funeral and memorial services are available. St. Luke also has a memorial garden in front of our church, if you would like a place to inter ashes. A plaque inside the church memorializes the people we remember in this beautiful, peaceful space. 

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568 Montgomery Avenue

(at Pennswood Road) Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

610 525-2396

Sunday Service: 10 a.m.

Bible Study: First and Third Tuesdays, 7 pm on Zoom

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